Monday, September 13, 2010

Healthy Habits!!

 These are just MY 10 habits that I have picked up in my daily diet, I am no way a professional nor try to be. This is just what seems to work for me and I hope that they can help you out some when it comes to being healthy, so enjoy!


the number one tip for being healthy guessed it WATER!

Why Drink Water?

To function properly, the body requires between one and seven liters of water per day to avoid dehydration, the precise amount depends on the level of activity. Water is also very important for removing toxins from the human body, The body has four major ways of removing toxins which are:

* Bowels
* Urination
* Perspiration
* Processing of toxins by the liver

Water is also important to fitness and fat loss for several reasons including the following:

* Water fills us up without adding any calories.

* helps burn fat: burning of fat releases waste products. You need enough water to flush these from your body.

* The liver requires water in order to process fat. If you are dehydrated you will not burn as much fat.

I try to drink a bottle or full cup of water before eating to help me not eat as much, also I grab for a bottle of water every time I crave something I know I shouldn't eat. Now I personally prefer to drink lemon water, whether it be juices from a fresh lemon or lemon juice from a bottle. This usually helps people deal because they don't like to drink water, it gives it a little taste but don't go adding sugar to it, its not lemonade! lol. Some people also like to use cucumbers or limes as well, on that note drink up:)


I love tea can't get enough of it!
Tea is another way to cleanse the body from toxins, it also helps me suppress my hungry especially when it comes to those unhealthy foods. Sometimes on the late night I crave all the sweets in the world! but I make a cup of tea instead, it usually helps fill me up to not want that snack. I personally love green, lemon and peach tea yes I said peach! lol but any flavor you prefer will do.


Brown Rice/stir fry

Brown rice is much better for you then white rice, honestly anything white (such as bread, pasta, etc..) is pretty bad for you because it's bleached and refined and eliminating the nutritional content of the grain and fiber. It also raises blood sugar levels and is very addictive in that you're always hungry after eating it. So it's much better to have brown rice, you can do so much with it to such as make a stir fry. I generally eat a vegetable stir fry using broccoli, carrots, corn and bell peppers. You can get as creative as you like by adding shrimp, chicken, etc...



Now when you are craving something sweet and you just got to have it! yogurt is a good alternative. You can just eat yogurt by its self or you can get creative and make an parfait. I usually use low fat or fat free plain yogurt and add strawberries or any favorite fruit of my choice and add a crunched up granola bar (i love to use nature's valley honey and oats)

You can also just make a nice smoothie with your yogurt, once again just add your favorite fruits and blend:)


I can tell you just an year ago I HATE! oatmeal but I found that it is good for you and it fills you up. I have it for breakfast occasionally with a grapefruit and water of course:). But oatmeal seems to hold me over until lunch without snacking in between. My favorite flavor is strawberry (i think i pretty much like strawberry anything!! lol) but i buy the instant oatmeal variety pack, that way i can take it on the go.


egg whites

My favorite thing to have for breakfast (when i have time) is a egg white omelet with bell peppers, onions, and low fat cheese(for those like me that can't give up cheese!) with a side of turkey sausage. It's Delicious and filling, trust me you should try it:)


Cucumbers and vinegar

As crazy as it sounds cucumbers and vinegar with a little bit of pepper is a delicious snack, my sister and I can eat this for days! its crunchy, salty and a little sweet all at once. 



Spinach and other dark leafy greens are loaded with calcium, folic acid, vitamin K and iron and it has more nutrient value than lettuce. so they next time you have a salad try spinach leafs instead of lettuce with just a little dressing, over loading your salad with dressing just takes away all the nutrients. Spinach can also be cooked of course and it is just as good!

 Lean Cuisines  

lean cuisines are a tasty easy way to eat healthy, I usually eat them for lunch (although they have product for each meal of the day) when I don't feel like cooking anything or to avoid ordering out. They come in many different kinds for all your different taste buds, a few of my favorites are shrimp Alfredo, grilled citrus chicken, cheese ravioli, honey dijon grilled chicken, and the sesame chicken.


grilled instead of fried!

Now don't get me wrong i LOVE fried chicken and many other fried things but it just isn't as healthy as grilled or baked food. I stop cooking fried foods all around, I allow myself to have it when I go out from time to time but I won't cook it at home(well at least not for myself). But it is pretty simple to ask for grilled/baked as it is for fried, most restaurants will have both. So don't think you can't go out to eat and have to eat unhealthy, that same fried seafood platter that you might get at red lobster(i know i sound real greedy right now lol) have an grilled version as well, even most fast food places have grilled instead of choose wisely:)

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